2025 Sponsorship Opportunities
Empowering women! As volunteers at EnVision Proven Success, all advertising benefits the mission of EnVision Proven Success (EPS) —100% makes an impact on women striving to begin anew! The publication of the magazine is distributed during events, workshops, local businesses, and downloadable via our mobile app, to encourage readers to support the women sharing their stories. EnVision Proven Success also distributes its publication of the magazine to the non-profit organizations that are in partnership with EnVision Proven Success, EPS fundraisers events, workshops, and throughout the community to reach a larger audience.
Whom do we reach? Readers of the inaugural edition of EnVision Proven Success include over 5,000 individuals in our community interested in helping women and their families achieve their potential. EnVision Proven Success donors, both financial and in-kind, corporate partners, volunteers, and those who are genuinely invested in social change and philanthropy are readers of EnVision Proven Success. The publication is also provided to newly-employed women in our sisterhood who are seeking inspiration and resources to achieve goals.
Our readership believes in the collective strength of our community to make a positive impact and includes men and women. The 2025 publication will be released TBD, 2025, at the Clintonville Women's Club.
How can we help you? Businesses and organizations, both large and small, have a remarkable marketing opportunity through EnVision Proven Success to reach a targeted population of professionals with maximum impact while promoting their brand; services, and products and exhibiting dedication to helping disadvantaged women achieve self-sufficiency.
Sponsorship Levels
Bronze Level - $250
Sponsor name listed on the website as a sponsor for 1 year
Silver Level Sponsor - $500
Sponsor name/log listed on the website as a sponsor for 1year
3.25” x 2” business size advertisement in the magazine, a posting on our social media, recognizes your organization as a sponsor with your logo on our website and your feature woman spotlighted, for a month on our blog page.
Gold Level Sponsor - $1,300
Sponsor name/log listed on the website as a sponsor for 1 year
Third-page color, 8.5”×3.67 advertisement in the magazine, a posting on our social media, recognizes your organization as a sponsor with your logo on our website and your feature woman spotlighted, for a month on our blog page.
Platinum Level Sponsorship - $7,000
As a Platinum sponsor, your company will have your logo and a company description along with a link to your company's website for 2 years.
- The sponsor name will be part of the official event name
- Most prominent name and logo placement on all printed materials related to the event (i.e. Invitation, Save the Date card)
- Prominent name and logo placement on all printed materials related to the event (i.e. Invitation, Save the Date card)
- Prominent ad in the Official Event Program
- Prominent Sponsor name recognition in all press releases related to events
- Name recognition in all press releases related to events
- Logo placement on EPs website Event Page & Calendar
The company is mentioned on desktop and mobile ads shown via our high-performing Google Ads account. For example:
Learn more about Envision Proven Success. It is sponsored by (Your Company Name).
These ads will be displayed approximately 100,000 times per month for one year on Google.com.
There are 1/8” (0.125”) bleeds on all sides
All sponsorship donations submission deadline and ads must be submitted in high-res jpeg format by January 30, 2023
Please consider sponsorship and know that any donation is greatly appreciated.
All donations may be sent to https://kindest.com/envision-proven-success?utm_source=kindest thank you in advance for all your support. Should you have any questions, email eps@envisionpovensuccess.org or call 614.344.1188, again, thank you in advance for all your support.
We would like to thank our in-kind sponsors because without their support EnVision Proven Success would not be possible.

The Foundation's goal
The goal of The Hanover Group Insurance Foundation, Inc.* is to improve the quality of life in communities where our companies - The Hanover and Citizens Insurance - have a major presence, with a mission to enact meaningful and positive change in the lives of underserved youths and empower the difference makers who support them.https://www.hanover.com/why-hanover/our-corporate-commitment/charitable-foundation
EnVision Proven Success is honored to have CareSource as our 2022 - Silver Level Sponsor for our mentorship program, "Finding My Truth!".
CareSource is nationally recognized for leading the industry in providing member-centric health care coverage. The company’s managed care business model was founded in 1989 and today CareSource is one of the nation’s largest Medicaid managed care plans.
For more information please click the link below
Envision Proven Success is honored to have Thrivent as our gold sponsor, thank you for sponsoring our workshops! How We're Different. At Thrivent, we believe money is a tool, not a goal. Driven by a higher purpose at our core, we are committed to providing financial advice, investments, insurance, banking, and generosity programs to help people make the most of all they've been given, our impact amplifies.

EnVision Proven Success is excited to announce, Belle Harbour, as our 2022 Bronze level sponsor.