What We Do
EnVision Proven Success provides knowledge and resources that empower women and young girls, 12 years and up, to improve their quality of life.
How it works: Participants attend monthly workshops or seminars on an array of topics. Each meeting consists of the key elements: keynote speakers who lead informational discussions on financial literacy, life skills, health/wellness, coping with grief, networking groups, opportunities for career coaching, mentoring, referrals, and resources.
Why it Works: Women making the transition from unemployment into the workforce face a myriad of challenges from understanding corporate culture to handling personal finances, often with no support or guidance. EnVision Proven Success provides a safe environment where participates can learn how to network and develop professional skills.
Participants also have the opportunity to share their proven success stories online and in our signature publication “EnVision Proven Success” selected by our partnership organizations/publication team members.
The twelve-month leadership development and career advancement curriculum includes workshops and seminars in:
Financial Wellness – “Smart ways to handle Money”
Life Skills – “Who R You” authentic you!
Health and Wellness – You're not healthy until you're healthy in mind, body, and spirit-- and that requires you be generous– not just to others, but to you, too!
Community Outreach – participants are asked volunteer to give back to our community

Why is Sponsorship needed?
5-6 members will receive leadership training for “EnVision Proven Success”, our annual publication. To be featured in the publication, the woman must have remained employed and recovering for at least 2 years. Participants lead a community action project.
EnVision Proven Success, in partnership with other non-profit women’s groups, will distribute the publication as a tool to help other challenged women overcome barriers and struggles.
Participants are women from diverse backgrounds: single, married and in long-term relationships. Many may or may not have a checking and savings account.
The average age of an EnVision Proven Success member is 25. Most women are recovering from some kind of barriers from their past and have 2 or more children.
Participants may or may not be enrolled in schooling programs, have completed educational programs, or posses a 2 or 4 year college degree.
Participants reported that they could handle the unexpected with hard work or without problems.
Participants reported to have definite career and personal goals they would and have achieved.
Majority of participants are unemployed and come from recovery programs.
Participants are the primary wage-earner, have children under the age of 18 and are caregivers to other familial members
Women, Food, & Conversation! (Workshops and Community Support Group Session)
Held for participants ages 21 & older at various libraries and/or other community locations.
All workshops are open & FREE for EPS participates and a $15 donation registration fee for guest to attend is required. Light refreshments are served.
We all experience different life changes that bring us to the decision to pursue a new direction, this is the common thread we share as women. Each life change poses different challenges, and it's always easier to make a transition with advice from those who can relate and who have/had similar obstacles.
By attending the workshops you can begin self-care. The purpose for the group is to offer mutual support, provide and evaluate relevant information, relate personal experiences, listen to and accept others experiences, provide sympathetic understanding and establish social networks.
Whether you're looking for inspiration, wisdom, encouragement or some light-hearted moments, we invite you to share a meal and indulge yourself in inspirational conversation with other women just like you! Topics are centered on a variety of issues women face today.
Community and Employment Resources
We help link individuals to community resources, events and organizations that can assist with services such as Vision, Education, Health/Fitness, Financial Literacy, Computer Skills Training, Mental Health, Clothing, Re-entry, Food/Nutrition, WIC, Housing/Utilities, Legal Services, Drug/Alcohol, Mentoring, Job Training, Parenting, Counseling, etc. We also help individuals seeking available part-time/full-time jobs, seasonal employment, training & education, internships, job fairs, and volunteer opportunities.
Make an appointment with us or follow our social media sites; we post available job leads and community resource information on our facebook/twitter page as they are shared with us.
Our Philosophy of EnVision Proven Success: We don’t look like what we’ve been through.